On 10 Apr 2001, Joseph Dane wrote: > > Here's what I'd like to have: a mail client that I can access via a > nice, flashy GUI when I'm sitting at my desk, or via a simple > text-mode interface when I'm connecting remotely.
*snip* I'm slightly hesitant to suggest it, since it's not really "Free Software" but Pine might be what you're looking for. Pine is fairly user-friendly, and you can find a LGPL program patch called xP which provides a GUI for Pine. It's in development, so it may not be the most stable proggy, but it's a start. > I have been looking for such a beast, without any luck. Gnus works > pretty well for me, but as I'm trying to *stay* married, I'm unwilling > to inflict Gnus on my wife at this time. Probably a very good idea... :) Take care, Zonker -- Joe 'Zonker' Brockmeier [EMAIL PROTECTED] ICQ: 43599611 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= "Liberty's too precious a thing to be buried in books... Men should hold it up in front of them every single day of their lives and say: I'm free to think and to speak. My ancestors couldn't, I can, and my children will. Boys ought to grow up remembering that." "Mr. Smith Goes to Washington" -- James Stewart