* Michael P. Soulier ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [010121 10:50]:
>     Hey people. I just picked up an HP 9150i burner. I currently have an Acer

I've got the same one ;-) 

> x40 CD-ROM, and it's /dev/hdd. That means that it's the slave of the second
> IDE controller, yes? 

Yes, it's the slave device. What's the master on that controller,
nothing ??

> The burner is an IDE device as well, and I need to set the jumpers
> for the desired controller. Now, is there a reason why, when I have a
> single harddrive (/dev/hda), that the CDROM would be a slave of the
> second controller when there is no master? Should I be ok if I set the
> burner as /dev/hdc?

Leave the Acer jumpered as a slave. Set the HP as a master and connect
it to the same cable. It will be /dev/hdc.


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