On Sun, Jan 21, 2001 at 10:47:51AM -0500, Michael P. Soulier wrote:
>     Hey people. I just picked up an HP 9150i burner. I currently have an Acer
> x40 CD-ROM, and it's /dev/hdd. That means that it's the slave of the second
> IDE controller, yes? The burner is an IDE device as well, and I need to set
> the jumpers for the desired controller. Now, is there a reason why, when I
> have a single harddrive (/dev/hda), that the CDROM would be a slave of the
> second controller when there is no master? Should I be ok if I set the burner
> as /dev/hdc?

If I understand this; you currently have two IDE devices: a hard disk
/dev/hda, and a CD-ROM /dev/hdd.

Manufacturers who pre-configure systems like this really piss me off as
this configuration violates the IDE standard (it often works, but we
have standards for reasons :) An IDE channel isn't _supposed_ to work
without a master device.

You should definitely install the CD-burner as a master device, so
/dev/hdc would be a good choice.

However, keep in mind that CD-burning can be a touchy process.  If you
deprive the burner of consant data during the burn you'll end up with
an excellent coaster (I like to add little rubber feet to mine).
Therefore, it's important to _not_ use the CD-ROM when you're using
the CD burner as you might saturate that IDE channel.

If you constantly need to access all three IDE devices, you might want
to install a third IDE controller for the burner or CD-ROM.  Since
most hard disks are UDMA these days it's suicide to slave a CD-ROM on
that channel ...

I find SCSI CD-burners well worth the extra cash - you can buy a
Symbios 53c8x0 controller for about $60 that will drive a CD-burner
and a tape drive without hassle.  YMMV.


Nathan Norman - Staff Engineer | A good plan today is better
Micromuse Inc.                 | than a perfect plan tomorrow.
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   |   -- Patton

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