On Sun, Jan 21, 2001 at 10:47:51AM -0500, Michael P. Soulier wrote:
>     Hey people. I just picked up an HP 9150i burner. I currently have an Acer
> x40 CD-ROM, and it's /dev/hdd. That means that it's the slave of the second
> IDE controller, yes? The burner is an IDE device as well, and I need to set
> the jumpers for the desired controller. Now, is there a reason why, when I
> have a single harddrive (/dev/hda), that the CDROM would be a slave of the
> second controller when there is no master? Should I be ok if I set the burner
> as /dev/hdc?

It all depends:)  On olther motherboards not all ide-ports were treated
equally, the primary master always won, the slaves were sometimes a little
degenerated. On some the secondairy ide port was paused when the primary
was i use. Atleast that's what I seem to recall to have read somewhere.

Other then that, having the disc on which you have to stuff to burn onto
CD and the cd on the same ide-port is sometimes adviced against just
to make sure that you wont get coasters. And some burners (like the
Plextor ide burner) even have to be a master according to their docs.

So cdwriter on /dev/hdc seems okee in all respects on modern MoBo's.

groetjes, carel

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