On Fri, Jan 31, 2003 at 10:18:20AM -0800, Brian Nelson wrote:
> On some days, you can see Mt. Rainier from Portland?  Holy crap, that's
> cool.  I don't think we can ever see Mt. Hood from Seattle...

Yup.  On one *really* hot and slightly breezy day (so the smog
couldn't set in), we actually were able to see the tip of Mount
Blackcomb near Whistler, BC just to the left of Mount Rainier.
Definately a photo day for tourists, as you could see Blackcomb,
Rainier, St. Helens, Hood (which thanks to the heat looked like it had
relocated itself to Gresham when viewed from as close as downtown
Portland), and parts of the Three Sisters.  When it clears off in
Portland, heat stops being measured in degrees (Oregonians don't quite
understand heat past 80), but rather in visibility of mountains.  How
many mountains can you see?  That's how hot it is.  8:o)  That day
everybody was saying, "Hey, where the hell did that second peak next
to Rainier come from?"  

You'd think Portlanders were reptilian with how badly everybody was
peeling from sunburn for a week after that...as beautiful as the view
was, it's not one I want to see again, ever if possible.  Before
anybody says that it was good weather, no, it wasn't weather.  Mercury
and California get that hot, and neither have weather.

 .''`.     Baloo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
: :'  :    proud Debian admin and user
`. `'`
  `-  Debian - when you have better things to do than to fix a system

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