On Friday 31 January 2003 09:18, nate wrote:
> Paul Johnson said:
> > What's the non-buzzword name for this?  Bout as much as I know about Mt.
> > Rainier is that it's a volcano you can see from Portland on a
> > "five mountain" or better (ie, clear enough with just enough heat
> > distortion that you can see five or more mountain peaks when it should
> > only be possible to see two from Portland vantage-points) day.
> it's some sort of new CD/DVD format that is more advanced then CD-RW,
> I don't remember the specifics, but I think the basics is it makes
> a CD or perhaps DVD available as a random access device, able to
> write on the fly without special software.
> looks like some info is here:
> http://www.cdfreaks.com/document.php3?Doc=75
> i only read the first few words though.
> nate

Looking at the kernel archives it appears that there is some code in 2.5
for this, but I do not know whether this has been backported to 2.4.  I
think it relies on the UDF packet writing code, but I am not sure.


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