On Fri, Jan 31, 2003 at 12:25:09AM -0800, Paul Johnson wrote:
> On Fri, Jan 31, 2003 at 11:50:55AM +1030, David Purton wrote:
> > I just bought a swish new cd-writer which claims to have Mt Rainier
> > support. Does anyone know of some good docs to get this working under
> > linux?
> What's the non-buzzword name for this?  Bout as much as I know about
> Mt. Rainier is that it's a volcano you can see from Portland on a
> "five mountain" or better (ie, clear enough with just enough heat
> distortion that you can see five or more mountain peaks when it should
> only be possible to see two from Portland vantage-points) day.

I gather it's a way of packet writing to cd-rw where the cdwriter does
all the hard work of keeping track of dodgy areas of disc, etc.

It in thoery means that you can use a cd-rw like a giant floppy disc
with the hassle of current packet writing techniques or going via

There is at least some sort of kernel patch, but there are no docs and
i don't know what to do once I've applied the kernel patch and
recompiled :).

I've managed to get packet writing working with udftools and the the
pktcdvd kernel patch, but I think Mt Rainier is something different.


David Purton

If you, O LORD, kept a record of sins, O Lord, who could stand?
                                        Psalm 130:3

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