On Tue, 22 Feb 2000, George Bonser wrote:

> On Tue, 22 Feb 2000, Keith G. Murphy wrote:
> > I have seen several postings on this list about your problem, but never
> > any response when asked (by John Hasler) for details.  Maybe you go
> > offline with "gurus" with your problem, but I suspect you'd be better
> > served, if you are sincerely interested in getting Debian to do this, if
> > you persisted with the list and offered us some details like: logs; type
> > of modem; dialup strings that Debian (and Corel) are using.  And what's
> > your provider; maybe someone else has that one and knows the pitfalls. 
> > Hit-and-run won't get it; it only frustrates everybody.
> > 
> Try:
> echo 0 >/proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_timestamps
> OR
> Turn off all ppp header compression.
> Hanging/balky ppp connection are usualy the result of a combination of tcp
> timestamps and header compression. There is something with the timestamps
> that tickles a bug in the compression. The timestamps are optional and may
> be turned off. I suspect Corel did one or both of these things in their
> default ppp setup.

Hi, George,

I've discussed this ppp problem with others on this list before. And it
looks like this problem occurs only when using PCMCIA modems from my

The first weird thing I noticed is the content in ppp.log:
Feb 10 22:14:28 newton pppd[449]: sent [LCP EchoReq id=0x8 magic=0xa88cda89]
Feb 10 22:14:28 newton pppd[449]: rcvd [LCP EchoRep id=0x8 magic=0x0]
Feb 10 22:14:58 newton pppd[449]: sent [LCP EchoReq id=0x9 magic=0xa88cda89]
Feb 10 22:14:58 newton pppd[449]: rcvd [LCP EchoRep id=0x9 magic=0x0]
Feb 10 22:15:28 newton pppd[449]: sent [LCP EchoReq id=0xa magic=0xa88cda89]
Feb 10 22:15:58 newton pppd[449]: sent [LCP EchoReq id=0xb magic=0xa88cda89]
Feb 10 22:16:28 newton pppd[449]: sent [LCP EchoReq id=0xc magic=0xa88cda89]

That is, the remote ppp server stop to response to my Echo request and the
up-link communication stops at the same time. It seems (from the content
of my ppp.log) that after 4 un-acknowledged Echo requests, the pppd would
begin to send link termination requests. After 10 un-acknowledged link
termination requests, the pppd demean would die automatically. Do you
think this is the problem you mentioned as "the result of a combination
of tcp timestamps and header compression"?

Also, is there any standard way (e.g. pppconfig) to turn off tcp
timestamps other than "echo 0 >/proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_timestamps"? And,
how to turn off ppp header compression?

Please help us solve this annoying ppp problem.

        Best regards,

  Jonathan Chang

PS: I still have no chance to test your solution to this problem.
But I will report the result on the mailing-list later.

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