On Thu, Jan 23, 2003 at 03:34:43PM -0800, nate wrote:
> gnome2 should be available in the next debian stable release(NOT
> the next POINT release, i.e. 'revision') which if my past experience
> holds will be in approx another year and a half. That is assuming there
> isn't a gnome 3 by then :) I think the debian folks are working on
> speeding up the release cycle, so the next major rev may come out
> sooner.

Considering that unstable didn't bust out into the flurry of activity it
normally does right after the last stable release, and a new testing
branch nearly immediately forked, I'd shave about a year off that time
estimate.  Realise, however, that this is only based off my previous
experiance watching unstable fork and hand down to stable, as I don't
follow debian-devel.  

If you want a good idea of what the current situation is, go lurk on
debian-devel, note however that this mailing list is not targeted for
the average user, so if you want to post, be a read-only user for at
least six, preferrably eight weeks to get up to speed instead of
pestering the developers immediately on something currently being

> there may be 3rd party packages for gnome2 available for woody,
> I'm not sure.

*shrug*  http://www.apt-get.org/ has unofficial (ie, totally no
gaurantees of it working, even with Debian) sources.  It's handy for
scouting out packages that cannot be obtained in the official version.

With everything being said, I hope sid gets KDE3 soon, or I fear sarge
will be stuck with KDE2 when it freezes.

 .''`.     Baloo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
: :'  :    proud Debian admin and user
`. `'`
  `-  Debian - when you have better things to do than to fix a system

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