On Thu, 2003-01-23 at 18:34, nate wrote:
> Joris Huizer said:


> gnome2 should be available in the next debian stable release(NOT
> the next POINT release, i.e. 'revision') which if my past experience
> holds will be in approx another year and a half. That is assuming there
> isn't a gnome 3 by then :) I think the debian folks are working on
> speeding up the release cycle, so the next major rev may come out
> sooner.
> there may be 3rd party packages for gnome2 available for woody,
> I'm not sure.
> nate

Reading the observation of "speeding up the release cycle," I wonder if
the new release efforts should not be invoked shortly after the libc6
logjam breaks, particularly if KDE 3.1 and Gnome 2/2.2 can be brought in
with it. That would hopefully mean a package freeze coming into place in
June or July, and with luck, a release in time for early September.
Alternately, we will end up with the usual release delays (which if you
have ever been involved in a major project only a fraction the size of
Debian, are a given) and no matter what the best intentions, unbridled
dedication and skilled programming efforts, we will still end up with
the usual "close to two years or so" time until the next release.
ML Kahnt New Markets Consulting
Tel: (613) 531-8684 / (613) 539-0935

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