Thanks for writting John. I have a 486dx desktop. It has 16 mb of ram. I do
not believe I have any PCMCIA ability. Yes, the base system is installed. I
used floppy images created from another computer from my debian disks.
Incidently, the cdrom was working in dos before I installed, so there must
be a way. Do you know how I can look at what files are now on my hard
drive? Something akin to dir in dos.?

The "ls" command is like "dir".  Use the "-l" switch to get full info.

Use "man" to read docs about commands, for example "man ls" will
bring up the manual pages for ls.

There are many GREAT tutorials that will get you started with linux
and unix from a DOS perspective.  Search the web.

I must go, my batteries are dying...


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