On Tue, Sep 14, 1999 at 10:19:37AM -0500, Keith G. Murphy wrote:

> It would also be sad to leave behind the Unix heritage of simple
> utilities that can pipe to each other to do useful things.

This is more than a heritage, this is a cornerstone of a useful
computing environment.  I thought VMS was annoying because I had
to explicitly read and write temp files to 'pipe' programs
together.  Then I found out how good I had it when I was condemned
to Windows NT.

No doubt that a feature-rich GUI has its place.  But don't forget
the (hopefully) many of us that are irritated when we experience:

        $ type sed
        sed is /bin/sed

instead of

        $ type sed
Programs don't create data.  People create data.
Every program is a filter.
  -- Mark Gancarz,  'The Unix Philosophy'

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