Quoting Stephan Engelke ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> On Thu, Aug 05, 1999 at 08:15:53AM +0000, Walter Logeman wrote:
> > While we are on the subject, what I can't do is stop the file
> > from scrolling past, is there a way to view them page by page?  
> cat  filename        | more
> zcat filename.gz     | more
> gzip -dc filename.gz | more     (generic way, zcat usually is a link to gzip)
> more filename
> If the pager "less" is installed, replace more with less if you like.
> Less also comes with a "decompression"-mode.
> zless filename.gz
> zless, gzip and zcat also operate on files created by compress(1) (i.e.
> ".Z"-files).

You can use
less filenames*.gz
if you
eval $(lesspipe)
which has the advantage of your being able to navigate multiple files
in the normal (less) manner, which zless doesn't support.


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