According to Christian Dysthe:
> Hello Debian,
>   I have tried to compile my kernel(2.0.34)for sound card support
>   using kpgk. During the comile I get the message that it cannot find
>   the command "dpkg-gencontrol", and no kernel image is created.
>   I put the kernel source in /user/kernelnew/linux/. the kpkg talks
>   something about leving /usr/linux alone, but I do not understand
>   this part fully.
>   I have tried to compile the kernel using normal config and make,
>   and it compiles fine and the kernel I get works fine, but I rather
>   use kpkg since it "automates' the whole procedure more for a newbie
>   like myself.

This is a known bug of dpkg, when you are using locales. You have to set
the environment variables LANG and LC_TYPE, LC_ALL and the like to C 
instead of e.g. de_DE. Do in bash: "LANG=C; export LANG", in tcsh: 
"setenv LANG C" and so on. Then you can just retype your make-kpkg
command and it will succeed.


Dr. Karl-Wilhelm Schulte
Bergische Universitaet-GH/HRZ (Computing Center)
Gaussstr. 20
D-42097 Wuppertal (Germany)
Tel. +49-202-4392807, Fax +49-202-4392910

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