Subject: Problem with kpkg / dpkg
        Date: Sat, Feb 27, 1999 at 07:50:18PM -0600

In reply to:Christian Dysthe

Quoting Christian Dysthe([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> Hello Debian,
>   I have tried to compile my kernel(2.0.34)for sound card support
>   using kpgk. During the comile I get the message that it cannot find
>   the command "dpkg-gencontrol", and no kernel image is created.
>   I put the kernel source in /user/kernelnew/linux/. the kpkg talks
                                ^^^^^  NO!
>   something about leving /usr/linux alone, but I do not understand
>   this part fully.

  The normal way of doing a kernel compile is:

 cd to /usr/src.  Do an ls -l (lowercase L).  You should see something
lrwxrwxrwx   1 root     root           11 Feb 26 23:49 linux -> linux-2.2.2/
drwxr-xr-x  15 root     root         1024 Jan 29 17:40 linux-2.0.36/
drwxr-xr-x  15 1046     1046         2048 Feb 26 23:13 linux-2.2.2/
The first line is a symbolic link that points to , in my case, the
source code of kernel 2.2.2. 

Now I could go on with the rest of what you have to do.  But I won't.
You see, it would be a waste of my time and net bandwidth.  There is a
HOWTO, aptly called 'The Linux Kernel HOWTO'.  If you have a running
system, you have it on your harddisk.  If not, you can go to sunsite
and look into the LDP (Linux Document Project).  The Howto must be
10-12 pages long and it explains the process much better then I can.

Debian, like all the other (Good) distributions, have supplied you
with all the docs you need.  Now is is up to you.  If you don't
understand something in the Howto, write again, there is always
someone here to help.

hint:   find /usr -type d -iname howto

Happy reading and good luck!

Micro Credo:
 Never trust a computer bigger than you can lift.

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