>> "NEN" == Nathan E Norman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
NEN> Never assume that people, especially management, are rational.

Well, I am studying economics. I hope me and others can turn this
around sometime in the future :-)

This semester, I have lectures in decision theory. On base of rational
analysis, Linux should be much more present in business already, but I 
guess the current situation is a typical textbook case for the
economic psychology. 

Fsck, I somehow have to get around a certain course in CS. It is a 
analysis of M$. The base is a book written by a M$ employ, so it is
full of "innovative cooperation", "envisioned leadership of Gates",
"great organisation form at M$", "customer orientated
softwaredevelopement"  and such shit. I think I gonna have to blech.

I am somewhat worried about my grade for this course. I certainly will
turn this around in "why is M$ that successfull despite their products
low quality". 


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