Hello Michelle,
Am 18:48 2002-12-04 -0800 hat Michelle Storm geschrieben:
>We are on a network with a cable modem connected to a switch, and then
>the computers are all connected to the switch. The problem is that each
>computer is on a different IP (and I was told different subnets), so
>that when I try to ftp the files to his computer it goes OUT through the
>modem to find his computer, instead of just going straight to the switch
>and then to his computer.
Use ip_alias and set up a second network in
Do not forget to set the /etc/hosts right.
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- What to change for eth0 (Direct PC connection) Michelle Storm
- Re: What to change for eth0 (Direct PC connection) Nathan E Norman
- Re: What to change for eth0 (Direct PC connectio... Michelle Storm
- Re: What to change for eth0 (Direct PC conne... Michelle Storm
- Re: What to change for eth0 (Direct PC c... Nathan E Norman
- Re: What to change for eth0 (Direct PC connection) Shawn Lamson
- Re: What to change for eth0 (Direct PC connectio... Ben Hartshorne
- Re: What to change for eth0 (Direct PC conne... Nathan E Norman
- Re: What to change for eth0 (Direct PC connection) martin f krafft
- Re: What to change for eth0 (Direct PC connection) Michelle Konzack
- Michelle Konzack