On Thu, Dec 05, 2002 at 10:45:36AM -0800, Ben Hartshorne wrote:
> On Wed, Dec 04, 2002 at 08:46:52PM -0800, Shawn Lamson wrote:
> > 
> > --- Michelle Storm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > I want to be able to transfer a LOT of data from my linux box to a
> > > friends WinXP box. I have a cross-over cable. I need to know what I
> > > have
> > > to change on my computer (if anything) so that they can see each
> > > other.
> > > Even if I just ftp to an IP assigned on his box.
> > > 
> > > What's the easiest way?
> > ifconfig eth0 down
> > ifconfig eth0 up
> > instead of using 192.xxx.etc.??? use whatever would be compatible with
> > the XP machine... then you should be able to directly ftp...  you may
> > be better up setting up NFS (network filesystem) to transfer a huge
> > amount though.
> I'm suprised nobody has brought up virtual interfaces (though I don't
> know how the 'ip' command sent by Nathan Norman does -- it might be the
> same).  You have eth0 as your primary interface.  You can bring up
> eth0:n as virtual interfaces (different network configuration
> piggybacking on your primary hardware).  This works with any interface.
> ppp0 is hooked to your modem, ppp0:0 will put another IP on that
> interafce, etc.  This does need to be enabled in the kernel, but I can't
> find the option in the 2.4.18 kernel and I don't remember it.  Maybe
> it's only optional in older kernels.  

If you're running a 2.4 kernel and have the IP command, you don't have
to worry about the :n virtual interface stuff.  To me, this is easier
... I always hated the :n notation.  Whatever works ...

Nathan Norman - Incanus Networking mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  There are 10 kinds of people in the world, those that can do binary
  arithmetic and those that can't.

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