> So, let me make sure I have this clear.
> My Current system: Linux dragon 2.4.19-k7 #1 Tue Nov 19 03:01:13 EST 2002 i686 AMD 
>Athalon GNU/Linux
> On Linux Box:
> -------------
> 1) if I don't already have it installed. Install the package: iproute
> 2) do from #: ip addr add brd + dev eth0
> On Windows XP box:
> ------------------
> 1) Do you know how to add multiple IP's to NIC on XP (tell me how on
>    Win2k and I can probably figure it out on XP.) <-- never knew about
>    this.
> 2) add: to XP nick
> Then just tell the computers to look for IP: <other computers 192.168.0.?? address?

Something is missing. I found out how to set the XP box up to have an
Alternate (PRIVATE) networking address. But I don't know if I did
everything I had to do on my Linux box.

rtnetlink reports that I've added teh, and I can ping
myself with that IP, but I can't ping the other computer, and vice

Michelle Alexia "Jade" Storm
Dragon Impersonating a Human and failing.

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