On Wed, Dec 04, 2002 at 10:01:44PM -0500, Matthew Weier O'Phinney wrote:
> -- Nick Hastings <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote
> (on Thursday, 05 December 2002, 11:20 AM +0900):
> > * Bruce Park <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [021205 11:03]:

[ snip ]

> > > bash$ ls -l / | grep cdrom$
> > > drwxr-xr-x 1 root   root            4096  Dec   2   13:07  cdrom

This is the mountpoint for data CDs, so permissions here do not
> > > bash$ ls -l /dev | grep hdc$
> > > lrwxrwxrwx 1 root   root            3  Dec   2   13:07 cdrom -> hdc
> > > brw--rw---- 1 root   disk      22, 0   Mar  14   2002 hdc

Both commands demonstrate overuse of grep :-)  `ls -l /cdrom /dev/hdc'
would have worked just as well, IMO.

> > OK, I think you are almost there. What you show above is almost what
> > you need. The thing is that you are now out of the disk group so you don't
> > have permission so read or write /dev/hdc. Use chmod to fix this the
> > prblem for /dev/hdc.
> > 
> > chmod o+rw /dev/hdc
> Since it's a cdrom and you /can't/ write to it (not without ide-scsi
> emulation, which evidently isn't turned on currently as you're using
> /dev/hdc), you only need to do:
>     chmod o+r /dev/hdc
> (as root) to achieve what you need to do.

Personally, I think world read access to the CD-ROM is a bad idea.  A
better idea is this:

  chgrp cdrom /dev/<whatever> 
  adduser <you> cdrom
  newgrp cdrom  # or log out and back in again

Some people abuse the audio group for this, but I'm not naming names.

BTW, I think you do need write access to the CD-ROM device if you want
to send commands like "eject", but I could be wrong there.


Nathan Norman - Incanus Networking mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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