Hey Bruce,

> You should be aware that we have a little problem with KDE. It uses Qt,
> which isn't free software by Debian's definition. For this reason,

Yes I saw your post the other day regarding the alternatives.  Is GNOME
usable as a day to day solution yet?  I noticed that there isn't a Debian
package for it (or not one I can see anyway). 

> we are looking very hard at several upcoming replacements for KDE, and
> will probably designate one as our preferred graphical desktop when it
> is ready. If I had to guess which one that would be today, I'd say GNOME,
> which you can read about at http://www.gnome.org/ .

Maybe I'm missing something here (possibly the enormity of the battle on
'our' hands... and I mean that seriously) but it seems to me that by
choosing against something like KDE (which to all intents and purposes
*is* free software to the end user) we are spiting ourselves.  When
something like GNOME or Berlin is a viable solution for people then by all
means, embrace that solution as it fits with our/Debian's adgenda better,
but until then why not encourage people to use KDE?  It seems like
the best option going at the moment...

> Other Linux distributions that care about free software will be making
> similar decisions.

This seems spitefull to me... it seems that there are issues at stake
which are not being spoken outloud... but then again, maybe I'm missing


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