> Hey Bruce,
> > You should be aware that we have a little problem with KDE. It uses Qt,
> > which isn't free software by Debian's definition. For this reason,

[.. lots removed ..]

> Maybe I'm missing something here (possibly the enormity of the battle on
> 'our' hands... and I mean that seriously) but it seems to me that by
> choosing against something like KDE (which to all intents and purposes
> *is* free software to the end user) we are spiting ourselves.  When
> something like GNOME or Berlin is a viable solution for people then by all
> means, embrace that solution as it fits with our/Debian's adgenda better,
> but until then why not encourage people to use KDE?  It seems like
> the best option going at the moment...

The problem with this is that, if we were to embrace KDE now,
we implicidly also say "Programming for Qt is good", and thus
more people start programming for Qt. Then when GNOME/Berlin/WhatEver
comes out, we cannot switch anymore.

Yes, if it's just like saying "fvwm2 is our preferred WM", then
a programme written to best fit fvwm2 runs just as fine under
wm2/afterstep/twm/WhatEver. But the way I see it, KDE isn't
that way: you _have_ to install Qt, and programmes that you
write to have the KDE "look" will _have_ to use Qt too. And
they will not run without Qt.

Furthermore, and this is something people often forget, and
should really be in a regular posting to debian-user:

  The goal of debian is _not_ to produce the best distribution.
  The goal of debian is to produce the best _free_ distribution.

Adding non-free packages to debian does nothing to further the goal
of producing the best _free_ distribution.

(Note: I don't install Qt. Thus I don't have KDE installed. Thus
I have no idea of what it actually is. If anything in this post
about KDE is inaccurate, it's due to KDE's dependancy on Qt)

(Second Note: Someone else in this thread mentioned that KDE didn't
have "debian menu support". Maybe this used to be true, but after
suggestions by Andreas (KDE maintainer), I (menu maintainer) have
added a few features to menu, removed one misfeature, and improved
slightly Andreas' menu-method file. Andreas' last KDE upload really
should have menu support).


joost witteveen, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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