Well I spent the day upgrading my system to libc6 so I could install KDE Beta1. First off thanks to the KDE team who look like they make have the beginnings, and more, of a decent X interface... YAY! (and of course the debian packagers)
Everything went smoothly but I am left with a couple questions, mostly wondering whether KDE is a little flakey, I'm a little flakey or the Debian package is a little flakey :-) ... 1. When I run the "Menu Editor" I get a completely empty configuration box. Now it's easy to go from there, but the help seems to think that there should be two (partially full) menus to start with that I can drag and drop stuff between. What's up? 2/ I am having some really weird problems where when I exit the KDE Window manager I have 4 xconsoles running (I *ONLY* started one) which have to be manually killed off... this doesn't seem to do happy things. 3/ Somepackages just seem to segfault when I run them. Are there any required libs that aren't dependencies? 4/ My desktop is ... well broken? When I click on any of the icons (Trash, Templates or Autostart) or try and open them up in KFM it just hangs, forever. I've checked the permissions and everything seems okay but it just doesn't do anything. If I drag something into one of these folders it either hangs or tells me that I don't have the permissions to move it (but I do!, at least to the trash in my home dir). That mostly summs it up... it has the potential to be *wonderfull* but there's some quirks to get sorted out yet... I just want to know whose quirks they are... mine, Debian's or KDE's :-) All help and comment are much appreciated. Adam. -- TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubscribe" to [EMAIL PROTECTED] . Trouble? e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .