On Mon, 26 May 1997, Adrian Miranda wrote:

> You should probably post again, with a little more information.

Thanks for telling me what to post.  Here goes. . . .

Debian 1.2.x (rex-fixed, I think Debian 1.2.15 technically).  I'm
using SVGATextMode 100x37x8xSVGA, logged in at the console.  I haven't
noticed problems when telneting (which uses TERM=vt100), but I haven't
used EMACS over telnet much since installing Debian.


There is no TERMCAP (nor a file/directory in /etc named that).  There
is a /etc/terminfo/l/linux though (it's a binary file).  I'm not using
X.  EMACS is from Debian 1.2.x (rex-fixed).  The man page claims it's
"GNU project Emacs" (written by Richard Stallman and FSF), but the man
page is incorrect in other ways (referring to /etc/local, for
instance) [do I tell the package maintainer about that?].

~$stty -a
speed 38400 baud; rows 37; columns 100; line = 0;
intr = ^C; quit = ^\; erase = ^?; kill = ^U; eof = ^D; eol = <undef>; eol2 = 
<undef>; start = ^Q;
stop = ^S; susp = ^Z; rprnt = ^R; werase = ^W; lnext = ^V; flush = ^O; min = 1; 
time = 0;
-parenb -parodd cs8 hupcl -cstopb cread -clocal -crtscts
-ignbrk -brkint -ignpar -parmrk -inpck -istrip -inlcr -igncr icrnl ixon ixoff 
-iuclc -ixany
opost -olcuc -ocrnl onlcr -onocr -onlret -ofill -ofdel nl0 cr0 tab0 bs0 vt0 ff0
isig icanon -iexten echo echoe echok -echonl -noflsh -xcase -tostop -echoprt 
-echoctl echoke

> emacs could be confused about the size of your screen.

EMACS appears to know the screen size, since it paints the status
lines correctly and wrapps appropriately for 100 columns and 37 rows.

But . . . here's another data point!  I think VC1 may be the only VC
that is messed up in EMACS:

VC1 -- user root -- EMACS is screwy
VC2 -- user kendall -- EMACS is okay
VC3 through VC6 -- user root -- EMACS is okay

So it appears that VC1 is the only VC having problems . . . at least
right now.  Does that help?  My test was editing a Perl script.  It
displays fine, but as soon as I refresh (C-l), certain indented lines
(not ones early in the file) suddenly appear to be flush-left, though
pressing End puts me at the actual (not apparent) end-of-line.

Thanks again for telling me what to post.  If anyone has any tips on
why one VC would *appear* to be screwy in EMACS, but not the other
five, please let me know.  :)  TIA!


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