Hi All, I'm having weird problems with EMACS. I just installed Debian 1.2 (rex-fixed, actually, so that would be 1.2.15 at the time I snarfed it, methinks) -- a clean install, onto a fresh HD. As I recall, EMACS required some X library or other (I don't have X on my system), which seemed odd to me, but whatever. Also, I am using SVGATextMode (100 columns x 37 rows). I've been using a Slackware 3.0 system (kernel 1.2.13) up until now -- I've been flipping back and forth while setting up Debian over the past week. I've never had any problems with EMACS, SVGATextMode (though I use a different mode under Slackware), Linux in general, up until now.
Basically, the display in EMACS gets garbled frequently. I.e., I'll either move or edit, and the cursor will go to the wrong place on the line, or else the line will get displayed incorrectly. Refreshing (control-L) usually fixes things, but occasionally I have to hit it twice before things are fixed. When editing Perl scripts, indentation looks okay *until* I refresh the display with control-L -- then things are screwy until I exit EMACS. (I first noticed when editing some Perl scripts, as I was trying to finish setting things up so that I could decommission my Slackware installation. . . .) Interestingly, though EMACS would visually undent lines, if I hit the End key, the cursor would go to where the endo of the line should be (disconcerting, since there was no text where my cursor was, so I was editing blind). The display gets messed up as a result of movement, editing, and plain ol' typing. All this makes me afraid to put this machine into production. It serves an important function to my company. Since this didn't happen with EMACS and SVGATextMode under Slackware, I figured I'd sak here in debian-user first, in case this was a known problem. Any clues? Is this a known problem, or could it be something about EMACS and SVGATextMode, or do you think my computer has just gone insane? ;) Thanks in advance!!! Kendall (this e-mail was hell to edit, lemmetellya ;/ -- TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubscribe" to [EMAIL PROTECTED] . Trouble? e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .