On Mon, 26 May 1997, Andy Mortimer wrote:

> This doesn't seem to be in the FAQ, but programs which *allow* operation
> under X-Windows are always linked against the X libraries under Debian.

Thanks for explaining.  :)

> This is probably not the case, but I thought I'd mention it; you aren't
> by any chance using XEmacs rather than FSF Emacs, are you? ISTR getting
> this problem with 19.14; although it has been fixed in 19.15 (in Hamm),
> this version has it's own problems.

Hmm, `man emacs' tells me it is the "GNU project Emacs" and was
written by Richard Stallman and FSF.  I'm not sure if this is quite
what you're asking, but I'm not sure how else to answer your question.
/usr/doc has no directory for emacs.  The man page is incorrect -- it
refers to /user/local/ directories, such as /usr/local/share/emacs/ .


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