The netstd* files are used for network cards.  Read the NET3-HOWTO in your
/usr/doc directory or at for the details until someone with
a card setup gets back to you.

On Mon, 5 May 1997, A. M. Varon wrote:

> On Mon, 5 May 1997, Rick Jones wrote:
> > /etc/init.d directory, but I use ppp.  I didn't think network cards were
> > initialized in a network file but in the netstd* files.  What does this
> > file do on your system, and did you make it?
> okay, the network file initialize the network card. See, when i install my
> debian for the first time, there were no script files i have seen which
> initializes the network card, so I made one. I run this script manually
> when it boots. no problem. I got tired of manually running it. so i run
> update-rc.d. 
> When my debian server boots, it runs the linked script fine. I
> then could connect to the internet. After 2 minutes, it then says network
> unreachable.
> Anybody could tell me what script does debian run to initialize the
> network card?
> TIA,
>                  =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
>                  Andre M. Varon         Lasaltech, Incorported
>                  Technical Head         Fax-Tel: (034)433-3520
>                  e-mail  : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>                  web page:
>                  =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
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