The S# sets the order of initialization when entering that init level.
This should have been done by dpkg.  You need to insure that anything
needed by the network daemons is activated before this.

If you look at the other files in that directory you'll see they all have
an S# to insure dependencies are satisfied.

bash-2.00# dir /etc/rc2.d
S10sysklogd            S20logoutd             S20xntp3
S12kerneld             S20lpd                 S25netstd_nfs
S15netstd_init         S20ppp                 S30netstd_misc
S18netbase             S20radiusd-livingston  S50atd
S19bind                S20sendmail            S89cron
S20apache              S20snmpd               S99rmnologin
S20courtney            S20xfs                 was-S20nas
S20gpm                 S20xinetd              was-S99xdm
S20iplogger            S20xntp
This is my rc2.d directory.  I don't have a network link to the
/etc/init.d directory, but I use ppp.  I didn't think network cards were
initialized in a network file but in the netstd* files.  What does this
file do on your system, and did you make it?

S = Start  K = Kill

On Mon, 5 May 1997, A. M. Varon wrote:

> Hi,
> Could someone tell me what is the number in the
> question mark --> /etc/rc2.d/S??network. I dunno what is the number, i
> arbitrarily put it as /etc/rc2.d/S31network. Now, it works for say, 2
> minutes. After that, i get a network unreachable when i use ping.
> Kinda strange.... 
> TIA,
>                  =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
>                  Andre M. Varon         Lasaltech, Incorported
>                  Technical Head         Fax-Tel: (034)433-3520
>                  e-mail  : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>                  web page:
>                  =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
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