I only breezed over this and haven't used it but if I remember correctly
there's no need for IP aliasing to do this.  You only need to add named
entries for each virtual domain pointing to the same machine/IP.

Maybe this was a missinterpretation on my part but I believe using
multiple IP's was an optional means of configuration to use if you have a
computer downstream from the apache machine, serving as gateway for the
subnet, to intercept calls on port 80 (or whatever port www is on for that
IP). http://www.apache.org/docs/host.html

If I'm mistaken please let me know.

On Sat, 3 May 1997, John Foster wrote:

> You need to use the IP Aliasing option in the kernel. The Howto is
> /usr/doc/HOWTO/mini/IP-Alias.gz.
> This what I did:
> 1) rebuild the kernel. This is inthe Howto.
> 2) add the other interfaces with ifconfig. 
> 3) add routes to them.
>       What isn't in the Howto is be sure to specify the dev option
>       on each route or else you'll find your box telling others that
>       it's a different IP to what you think it is!
> 4) Filled in the </Virtual Domain>.... entry for Apache.
>       I don't know of the top of my head, but it's in one of the 3
>       config files.
> 5) Add a primary line for the new domain to /var/named/named.boot
> 6) Adding the IP of the new domain to the reverse lookup file.
> 7) Writing the root file for the new domain.
>       The root file for the new domain just needs the SOA and the
>       address of www.domin.com for apache.
> 8) Restart the name server and reload apache.
> I not managed to get the mail to work as a multihomed server to deal
> with the virtual domains. I've read the file on Multihomed servers in
> /usr/doc/smail but I'm none the wiser.
> John Foster.
> On 2 May 1997, Chris Brown wrote:
> > 
> >      I have been looking at using apache as our web server and it 
> > will be necessary to set up the server to appear as 3 different 
> > domains.  After looking at some of the documentation it appears that 
> > a machine could be set up so that the server machine will respond 
> > to 3 different IP addresses each for a different domains then have 
> > apache determine which domain it should appear to be.
> > 
> >      It would be great if there were some sort of HOWTO type of 
> > document or some example configuration files for this but I haven't 
> > seen them.  Can someone point me at something like this?  One of the 
> > things that I'm not sure of is how to have different document roots 
> > for each domain and weather there is one or more than one httpd.conf. 
> > It looks like multiple VirtualHost entries are made in the same 
> > http.conf but how do the VirtualHosts get refered back to the IP 
> > address?  Is it via reverse DNS?  I have heard that reverse DNS 
> > lookups are extremely important on apache.
> > 
> > 
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