On Wed, 15 Sep 2004 09:12:29 -0500, Alex Malinovich
> On Tue, 2004-09-14 at 06:14 -0400, Clifton Sluss wrote:
> > On Mon, 13 Sep 2004 20:06:12 -0700, Rich Rudnick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --snip--
> > > Have you tried evolution 1.5 and evolution-exchange in experimental?
> > > I've been using 1.5 for mail only (not exchange, tho) for months with no
> > > problems.
> > >
> > I am going to mess around with both of these solutions today, thanks
> > for the insight,
> I've been using evolution 1.5 with evolution-exchange for about 3 months
> now at work with no major problems. I still haven't been able to open
> shared group calendars, but everything else works fine. (mail, personal
> calendar, personal and group contacts, etc.) The only 'problem' I've had
> is that after being open a couple of hours, evolution seems to 'forget'
> about the global contacts list and fails every time it tries to look up
> a name. Restarting evolution fixes the problem each time. I'm actually
> not sure if it's a problem with the plugin or a problem with our
> exchange server here.
> --

Well i have been able to get evolution 1.5 up and running. i had to
find libsoup2.? to get evo-echange to install, now both have been
installed but the exchange server option does not come up in evolution
when i go to create an account.  evo throws no errors when i start it
up, it's like it doesn't see the evo-echange. ?

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