On Tue, 2004-09-14 at 06:14 -0400, Clifton Sluss wrote:
> On Mon, 13 Sep 2004 20:06:12 -0700, Rich Rudnick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Have you tried evolution 1.5 and evolution-exchange in experimental?
> > I've been using 1.5 for mail only (not exchange, tho) for months with no
> > problems.
> > 
> I am going to mess around with both of these solutions today, thanks
> for the insight,

I've been using evolution 1.5 with evolution-exchange for about 3 months
now at work with no major problems. I still haven't been able to open
shared group calendars, but everything else works fine. (mail, personal
calendar, personal and group contacts, etc.) The only 'problem' I've had
is that after being open a couple of hours, evolution seems to 'forget'
about the global contacts list and fails every time it tries to look up
a name. Restarting evolution fixes the problem each time. I'm actually
not sure if it's a problem with the plugin or a problem with our
exchange server here.

Alex Malinovich
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