On Thu, Aug 19, 2004 at 11:04:21PM -0500, Kent West wrote:
> Hopefully this won't offend anyone; I'm just curious.
> I often see posts on this list with subject lines like:
>  Doubt about Debian Installation
> or
>  Configuring PS/2 Mouse Doubts
> Is this word "doubt" a non-American-English-speaker's word for 
> "question"? And if so, in that person's language, is "doubt" equivalent 
> to "question", or is it just that they don't understand the use of the word?

It's either equivalent to "question" or "problem". I seem to have a
vague memory of someone asking a question in a non-English language,
being told this is an English list, and coming back with a
translation, which confirmed this. I might be remembering wrong though.


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