On Mon, 5 Jul 2004, Vadik wrote:

> >
> >tar zcvf today.tgz `find /etc /home -mtime -7 ( -type f -o -type l ) -print
> >
> >scp today.tgz  ftp-backup:/pub/Backups
> >     - add your host key for passwd-less backups
> >  
> >
> Thanks,
> I do know how to tar and how to upload, I was mostly looking for script 
> that maintain files on ftp server (i.e. removing old one).  But I guess 
> I'll just have to write script.

ftp-backup#  find /pub/Backups -mtime -180 exec rm -f {}\;
        - just one line in root's or ftp's crontab 

>  I am thinking about using ncftpput (ftp 
> server does not support ssh), and to enstript files before uploading.  I 
> did take a look at

i assume oyu mean encrypt ... and yes .. do encrypt the backup files
but mroe importantly, use  a different ftp login id and unique passwd
you do not use anywhere else
        - assume your ftp server is hacked and the [h/cr]acker is
        collecting login and passwd info from your other boxes
        and sniffing all traffic that server is sitting on

> http://linux-backup.net/App but could not find what I was looking for.
>  freshmeat has some, but I am not sure I would trust these scripts.

never trust any script from anybody ...

do your own code review, and harden the script

and definitely, do NOT just run it and see what happens :-)

c ya

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