hi ya

On Sun, 4 Jul 2004, [iso-8859-1] Thomas Adam wrote:

> --- Vadik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
> > I want to start backing up to ftp server and I was not able to find 
> > package which does that.
> > 
> > My only requirement that it should do daily backups and keep last 7 
> > backups (or do incremental backups).

tar zcvf today.tgz `find /etc /home -mtime -7 ( -type f -o -type l ) -print

scp today.tgz  ftp-backup:/pub/Backups
        - add your host key for passwd-less backups
- or -

no passwd needed
        mount ftp-backup:/pub/Backups /mnt/Backups
        scp today.tgz /mnt/Backups
        sync ; umount /mnt/Backups

dozens of free backup scripts

> Why ftp? Why not use rsync?

because rsync doesn't keep a copy of the last set of changes 
before it overwrite it ?? 
        ( you do NOT know what day foo.c in the backups got overwritten
        ( by the latest changes because you only have one file in backups

        - good backups depends also on how you implement it and 
        is it for backups and restore the last copy you had
        or to go back in history to see who and when foo.c was changed
        ( you can also use cvs to do the same, but the whole cvs needs to
        ( be backed up too

- a good backup policy will keep multiple copies of the same files
        - yesterday
        - last week
        - last month

        - incremental and full backups
                and your backup policy should survive a 100% disk full and
                you do NOT lose data, because how often do you check the
                backups is working ..

        - and rotate each on some schedule to remove old backup junk

        - when you find out you need foo.c from backups, you
        might have to search back 1 or 5 or 10 previous versions
        to find the one that is un-corrupted or un-hacked

c ya

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