On Fri, 2002-11-01 at 15:42, Oyvind A. Holm wrote:
> On 2002-10-30 22:33-0000 Tim Woodward wrote:
> > I have installed Debian 2.2r4 on my system and have so far got to the
> > point where X Windows is running with the Gnome version that comes
> > with the Debian pack. The problem i have now is that i have changed
> > my graphics card and installed the XF86_SVGA server, and when i boot
> > up it goes straight into X Windows but the mouse is disabled. The
> > screen is in 640x480 so looks crap, and i can't exit back to the
> > original prompt screen. If i knew how to bypass X Windows upon
> > boot-up i could re-run the XF86Config which may solve the problem.
> > Can anyone help me sort it?
> If you want to avoid getting into X at boot time, you can edit
> /etc/inittab and set the line containing �initdefault� to this:
> id:3:initdefault:
> This will ensure you enter multiuser text mode when you reboot.
>     Mvh              ~                                              +--------,
>     �yvind         _~              +        )        +      '       |/ _      \
>   ,_______________| |______   ,                  ,           .        (~)  + +
>  /________________________/\         .      *           +        `     U    *
>  | http://www.sunbase.org ||                                            `.
> +------------------------------------------------------------------_      (o_.'
> | OpenPGP: 0x629022EB 2002-02-24 �yvind A. Holm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -_    //\
> | Fingerprint: DBE9 8D44 67F7 42AC 2CA1 -- 7651 724E 9D53 6290 22EB   -_  V_/_
> +------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Why do we keep getting this answer on Debian-User? That is the Red Hat
situation - on Debian, by default runlevels 2 through 5 are essentially
identical, subject to sysop configuration otherwise. The one exception
is that runlevels 4 and 5 don't spawn virtual consoles on screens 3-6 -
otherwise, all the same daemons are launched on systems not otherwise

The solution to the OP's problem for the moment is to mv the appropriate
S*[gkwx]dm to something like X99[gkwx]dm in /etc/rc${RUNLEVEL}.d
ML Kahnt New Markets Consulting
Tel: (613) 531-8684 / (613) 539-0935

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