Shawn Lamson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I just put in a new HD (80Gigs of which only 32G are used currently b/c
> my bios is old) and I put Win2k on the first 15 Gigs; then a Lin Swap
> drive of 512Megs; then my Debian install of Sarge on various partitions

> after that to consume the rest of the 32Gigs... 
         .       .       .

> Is there a way I can boot either system without using the floppy
> (ie; from HD)?

     I am assuming your Debian root partition is /dev/hda3 - if not
adjust the partition designations below.

     After making your menu.lst file to suit you, as root issue the
command grub, then from the grub prompt:
root  (hd0,2)
setup (hd0)

     I don't think the old bios will affect this - grub understands
file systems, and I don't think it refers to the bios.

     On my old system I have Windows ME on /dev/hda1, DOS 6.22 on
/dev/hdb1, and Debian on /dev/hdc2.  The following menu.lst works for
me:  (It is probably more complex than you need for simply dual

# NOTE: Changes in this file will not take affect until GRUB is
# reinstalled as follows.  The GRUB and menu files are only required
# on the grub root (hd 2,1) or /dev/hdc2. 
# grub> root (hd2,1)
# grub> setup (hd2) 

# Boot automatically after 5 secs.
timeout 5

# By default, boot the first entry.
default 0

# For booting Linux
title  Debian Woody
root (hd2,1)
kernel /vmlinuz root=/dev/hdc2 ro ether=0,0,eth1

# For booting DOS
title DOS 6.22 on /dev/hdb1
hide (hd0,0)
unhide (hd1,0)
map (hd1) (hd0)
map (hd2) (hd1)
rootnoverify (hd1,0)
chainloader  +1
# For booting Windows ME
title Windows ME on /dev/hda1
unhide (hd0,0)
hide (hd1,0)
rootnoverify (hd0,0)
chainloader  +1

  |_)  _  |_    Robert D. Hilliard        <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  |_) (_) |_)   1294 S.W. Seagull Way     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                Palm City, FL 34990 USA   GPG Key ID: 390D6559 

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