I think grub itself is installed OK but maybe you don't have the right stuff in 
your menu.lst.  I always have a hard time getting it straight when I first set 
it up.

I have a grub boot for Slackware, Windows 2000 and BeOS.  Here is the line that 
gets me to the Win2k boot menu:

title Windows 2000/NT/98 boot menu
root (hd0,0)
chainloader +1

It is conceivable that grub installs a partition map that reflects the size of 
your whole hard drive.  With your old bios that could cause problems.  Try 
checking what your partition table is while grub is installed after booting 
linux.  Use cfdisk, fdisk or sfdisk.  You can get the most detailed and concise 
dump of your partition table with:

sfdisk -d /dev/sda

that dumps the partition table in terms of sectors.

Quite unfortunately, the partition table on an IBM-compatible PC is in the same 
disk sector as the initial boot loader, sector 0 of the drive, towards the end. 
  Hard drives have to always be written or read in 512 byte sectors.

In order to write the initial code for a new boot loader to your drive, what is 
done is to read the old boot sector, copy the partition table into an image of 
the new boot sector in memory, then copy that out to offset zero on the drive in 
one 512-byte chunk.

So installing a new boot loader also writes a new partition table, which 
hopefully is identical to the original, but I can see how corruption might occur.

Michael D. Crawford
GoingWare Inc. - Expert Software Development and Consulting

      Tilting at Windmills for a Better Tomorrow.

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