Idézem/Quoting Steve Kemp <>:
On Sun Mar 04, 2018 at 07:35:37 +0100, SZÉPE Viktor wrote:
What is the use of pushing an update with only powerpc changes to amd64?
Thank you.
This is just a side-effect of the way the packages are built.
When a new source upload is made then it is built for all available
architectures, even if the changes are not useful / relevant for them.
Typically security updates apply to all architectures. In this
case just be glad you got "lucky" - and you don't have to schedule
reboot(s) of all your server(s).
Thank you!
Luckily a reboot takes ~20-30 seconds from `reboot` to fully booted.
SZÉPE Viktor, honlap üzemeltetés / Running your application
+36-20-4242498 skype: szepe.viktor
Budapest, III. kerület