On 25-08-15 15:33, Sebastiaan Couwenberg wrote: > For the netcdf-c transition only the following packages still need > rebuild in unstable: > > dx (1:4.4.4-7) > gnudatalanguage (0.9.5-2) [BD-Uninstallable] > grace (1:5.1.25-1) > gri (2.12.23-9) > kst (2.0.3-4) [also needed for netcdf-cxx-legacy] > minc (2.2.00-6) [needs fix for #793885 first] > octave-octcdf (1.1.8-1) > python-scientific (2.9.4-3) > r-cran-ncdf4 (1.13-1) > r-cran-rnetcdf (1.6.3-1-1) > v-sim (3.7.2-1)
gri (2.12.23-9) doesn't need a rebuild any, it was recently uploaded to unstable. The maintainer used an outdated build environment on i386 resulting in dependencies on the old netcdf packages, it has been manually binNMUed with the new netcdf packages in unstable. Kind Regards, Bas -- GPG Key ID: 4096R/6750F10AE88D4AF1 Fingerprint: 8182 DE41 7056 408D 6146 50D1 6750 F10A E88D 4AF1