On 20-08-15 00:11, Sebastiaan Couwenberg wrote:
> On 19-08-15 20:01, Sebastiaan Couwenberg wrote:
>> https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/pkgreport.cgi?tag=netcdf-split-c-f-cxx;users=debian-...@lists.debian.org
> We mostly need BinNMUs for the other packages in dependency level 1 now.
> This includes gdal which has it's own upcoming transition #756867, I'd
> like to start that transition soon.

The gdal transition is progressing nicely, and all the outstanding
issues for the netcdf transition are now fixed in unstable except the
minc FTBFS caused by a test failure (#793885).

The individual netcdf transitions are progressing nicely too. Regarding
that, I've noted the following in TitanPad [1]:

 - netcdf-c:          IN PROGRESS (rdeps need binNMU)
 - netcdf-cxx:        NOT NEEDED  (all rdeps use -legacy)
 - netcdf-cxx-legacy: IN PROGRESS (only kst still needs binNMU)
 - netcdf-fortan:     DONE        (all rdeps rebuilt)

vtk & vtk6 were recently NMUed and incorporate the patches for the
netcdf transition, the old vtk{,6} packages are still in the archive too
because their respective transitions have not completed yet.

With the recent upload of ncl (6.3.0-4~exp2) all the packages involved
in both the netcdf & gdal transition are now fixed in unstable.

For the netcdf-c transition only the following packages still need
rebuild in unstable:

 dx                (1:4.4.4-7)
 gnudatalanguage   (0.9.5-2)    [BD-Uninstallable]
 grace             (1:5.1.25-1)
 gri               (2.12.23-9)
 kst               (2.0.3-4)    [also needed for netcdf-cxx-legacy]
 minc              (2.2.00-6)   [needs fix for #793885 first]
 octave-octcdf     (1.1.8-1)
 python-scientific (2.9.4-3)
 r-cran-ncdf4      (1.13-1)
 r-cran-rnetcdf    (1.6.3-1-1)
 v-sim             (3.7.2-1)

[1] https://titanpad.com/UtA5km2wW6

Kind Regards,


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