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On 30-07-15 18:34, Sebastiaan Couwenberg wrote:
> We're still not quite ready for the netcdf transition, but I'd like to
> formally request the transition already anyway.

With the recent updates to the netcdf packages in experimental we should
be ready for the transition now.

> The automatically created auto-netcdf tracker is not sufficient to track
> the new C++ & Fortran packages. I've attached the ben configuration I
> used for my pkg-grass-transitions tracker in the preparation of this
> transition.

We still need the updated transition tracker.

> For the libstdc++ transition we still need to update the symbols files
> for the new netcdf packages in experimental. And there are couple of
> reverse dependencies that FTBFS with the netcdf from experimental.

The symbols files for netcdf-cxx & netcdf-cxx-legacy were updated with
GCC 5 after the switch in unstable today, and the updated packages were
uploaded to experimental.

> Please see the recent message on the debian-gis lists for more
> information on the outstanding issues for the netcdf transition [1][2][3].

I've send a new update to the debian-gis list, but it's not available in
the archive yet, to quote the relevant bits:

 netcdf (1:4.4.0~rc2-1~exp4) has been uploaded to experimental, it
 includes the nc-config & netcdf.pc changes, and also switches back to
 the HDF5 serial variant because we cannot provide only the MPI variant.
 Providing both is a bit too much work to do properly before the GCC 5
 related transitions start.

 To not require the build dependency changes for the netcdf-cxx-legacy
 and netcdf-fortran -dev packages, we should consider having
 libnetcdf-dev recommend the language specific -dev packages.

The outstanding issues are mostly the missing build dependencies now,
and all outstandig issues have patches available in the bugreport.

Some more relevant bits from my message to the debian-gis list:

 adios (1.8.0-4~exp1) was uploaded to unstable recently, it includes the
 build-dependency on libnetcdff-dev (netcdf-fortran) which is not
 available in unstable yet. The buildds cannot build it, so the build
 dependency needs to be removed in unstable. It reported this issue in


 I didn't manage to finish the round of rebuild before GCC 5 was made
 the default compiler in unstable causing dependency installation
 issues. Except gmt (5.1.2+dfsg1-1 / 5.1.2+dfsg1-2~exp1) all remaining
 packages built successfully in the last round, so I expect them to
 still do with the updated netcdf packages. I also suspect the gmt
 FTBFS is fixed now without needing the changes in experimental.

Transition: netcdf

 libnetcdfc7   (1:4.1.3-7.2) -> libnetcdf7       (1:4.4.0~rc2-1~exp4)
 libnetcdfc++4 (1:4.1.3-7.2) -> libnetcdf-c++4-1 (4.2.1-1~exp4) [cxx4]
 libnetcdfc++4 (1:4.1.3-7.2) -> libnetcdf-c++4   (4.2-1~exp4)   [legacy]
 libnetcdff5   (1:4.1.3-7.2) -> libnetcdff6      (4.4.2-1~exp5)

The status of the most recent rebuilds is as follows. Entries tagged
with [+] build successfully after applying the patch from the bugreport.

 netcdf-cxx         (4.2.1-1~exp4)                       OK
 netcdf-cxx-legacy  (4.2-1~exp4)                         OK
 netcdf-fortran     (4.4.2-1~exp5)                       OK

 adios              (1.8.0-4~exp1)                       OK [+]
 cdftools           (3.0-1 / 3.0-2~exp1)                 FTBFS / OK
 cmor               (2.9.1-5 / 2.9.1-6)                  OK / OK
 dx                 (1:4.4.4-7)                          OK
 etsf-io            (1.0.3-4 / 1.0.4-1~exp1)             OK / OK [+]
 exodusii           (6.02.dfsg.1-5 / 6.02.dfsg.1-6)      OK / OK
 ferret-vis         (6.9.3-1 / 6.9.3-2~exp1)             FTBFS / OK
 gdal               (1.10.1+dfsg-9 / 1.11.2+dfsg-1~exp4) OK / OK
 gnudatalanguage    (0.9.5-2)                            OK
 grace              (1:5.1.25-1)                         OK
 grads              (2:2.0.2-5 / 2:2.0.2-6)              OK / OK
 gri                (2.12.23-8)                          FTBFS [#790526]
 kst                (2.0.3-4)                            OK
 libpdl-netcdf-perl (4.20-1)                             OK [+]
 magics++           (2.24.7-3 / 2.24.7-4)                FTBFS / OK
 minc               (2.2.00-6)                           OK [+]
 nco                (4.5.1-1)                            OK
 ncview             (2.1.5+ds1-2)                        OK
 netcdf4-python     (1.1.9-1 / 1.1.9-2~exp2)             OK / OK
 oasis3      (3.mct+dfsg.121022-3 / 3.mct+dfsg.121022-5) OK / OK [+]
 octave-octcdf      (1.1.8-1)                            OK
 ovito              (2.3.3+dfsg1-1)                      OK
 python-scientific  (2.9.4-3)                            OK
 r-cran-ncdf4       (1.13-1)                             OK
 r-cran-rnetcdf     (1.6.3-1-1)                          OK
 ruby-netcdf        (                          OK
 v-sim              (3.7.2-1)                            OK
 vtk                (5.8.0-17.5 / 5.10.1+dfsg-1)         OK / OK [+]

 cdo                (1.6.6+dfsg.1-3 / 1.6.6+dfsg.1-4)    OK / OK
 gmt                (5.1.2+dfsg1-1 / 5.1.2+dfsg1-2~exp1) TODO / TODO
 metview            (4.5.6-3 / 4.5.6-4exp1)              TODO / TODO [+]
 ncl                (6.3.0-3~exp1 / 6.3.0-3)             TODO / TODO
 vtk6               (6.2.0+dfsg1-2)                      TODO [+]

Kind Regards,


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