This time a reply to all ... sorry

Nathanael Nerode schrieb:
> Steve Langasek wrote on debian-release:
>>And glademm build-depends on libbonobouimm1.3-dev.  This may be a bug, but
>>the net result is that there's more here than just unused libraries.
> However, glademm also build-depends on libgnomemm-dev, which is uninstallable
> due (indirectly) to the removal of libpng10-0.  The plan according to
> debian-gtk-gnome is to remove all the GNOME 1 packages.  Most of them depend
> on gdk-imlib1, which depends on libpng10 and has no replacement.
> So at this point I think glademm and orbit2cpp should be kicked out of
> etch, but libbonobo[ui]mm1.3 should be kicked out of unstable as well.
> Shall I file a bug against  Is the standard practice to
> file a bug per source package -- that seems like it will be a lot of bugs.
> Cc:ing debian-gtk-gnome.  It's probably desirable to request the removal
> of all the GNOME 1 libraries which depend directly or indirectly on gdk-imlib1
> *at once*, and such a request should come from debian-gtk-gnome regulars,
> who are perhaps best equipped to make such a list.

There is no reason for glademm to build "depend" on libgnomemm-dev! It
simply tests libgnomemm for existance to provide a reasonable default
version. Since these days libgnomemm is rarely used (to say the least)
nobody would notice a missing default version.

File a bug against glademm to remove any build dependancy on any of the
gtk1/gnome1 libraries (the configure warnings are harmless, the
functionality is still fully usable), I simply hestitate to remove the
gtk1 functionality because it is still in use somewhere.

Isn't this clear enough:
AC_MSG_CHECKING([for gnome-- 1.x version (not needed)])

      Christof (who happens to be the glademm author)

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