On Sat, Oct 01, 2005 at 05:25:10PM -0400, Nathanael Nerode wrote:
> Christof Petig wrote:
> > There is no reason for glademm to build "depend" on libgnomemm-dev! It
> > simply tests libgnomemm for existance to provide a reasonable default
> > version. Since these days libgnomemm is rarely used (to say the least)
> > nobody would notice a missing default version.
> Thank you!  This really does help clear things up a lot.

> > File a bug against glademm to remove any build dependancy on any of the
> > gtk1/gnome1 libraries (the configure warnings are harmless, the
> > functionality is still fully usable), I simply hestitate to remove the
> > gtk1 functionality because it is still in use somewhere.
> Great!  This unclogs things in Debian a lot.

> > Isn't this clear enough:
> > AC_MSG_CHECKING([for gnome-- 1.x version (not needed)])
> > 
> >       Christof (who happens to be the glademm author)
> > 
> > PS: Anybody to cc about this?

> Debian's glademm maintainer -- Bradley Bell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>.  He's not
> really maintaining his packages right now, and seems to be "missing in
> action", unfortunately.  :-P

> If you are a Debian Developer (or know one) who would like to maintain
> the glademm package for Debian, we could try to get Bradley to hand over
> the package.

> I'm also cc:ing debian-release, debian-qa, and debian-gtk-gnome.  The
> original reason I was investigating this is because it's holding up the
> removal of libbonobomm1.3-dev and libbonobouimm1.3-dev, which are
> build-depended on by the glademm package but otherwise are unused libraries.

Why is the one address *not* included on this mail the address of the
relevant bug in the BTS?

Apparently, no bug has been filed yet against glademm asking for the GNOME 1
dependencies to be dropped.  Would you please file this bug, given that
you're asking for NMUs to fix it?

Steve Langasek                   Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer                   to set it on, and I can move the world.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                   http://www.debian.org/

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