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Clinging to sanity, Xan mumbled in his beard:

> 1) I think that the democratical election of codenames is essential

Why? A hypothetical Debian stinky will run exactly the same as a hypotetical
Debian potatoe will. There's no technical reason for chosing the one or the

> If this transparency implies to admit that "the 
> codenames are choosen randomilly/arbitrarily by release manager", I think 
> that it we/you have to admit this.

The first think you were hearing here was 'the RM choses the codename'. I
believe this is very transparent. Possibly it is even mentioned on the web
site. I'm sure if you use google for 'debian codename', you will find the
last 300 discussions about that topic.

>    It could be the difference between Debian and other (comercial) distros 
> that the decission are choosen uniterally (by the cupola).

Debian is not a democracy. Debian is a volounteer organisation. The
essential difference is: in a democracy, everybody can directly influence
the decision. In Debian, the person who does something can tell how he does
it (in most cases - and within the limit of the Social Contract, the DFSG
and similar documents). ajt is release manager, he does the release, so he
decides how he calls it.

> 3) With high probability this post and mail will be ignored or will
> with irony (or worst: with false wish of collaboration), but I do it at
> for point out it.

Why so gloomy? You received honest, non-ironical answers the first time
round. You will receive the same answers now. I agree, however, that
suggesting the same thing multiple times, without providing new arguments,
will increase the probability that you are being made fun of, or just

(And, btw, I doubt cc:ing ajt will make any difference at all).

- -- vbi

- -- 
Todo artista es tan múltiple que el crítico no puede dejar de encontrar en
él lo que busca resueltamente y a priori.
        -- André Maurois. (1885-1967) Biógrafo, novelista y ensayista

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