Hello to everybody,

Recently, I'm worried about the election of codenames of Debian: 1) how they 
are choosen and by who, and 2) what will happen when the Toy Story names 

In the following, I relate you what I did and what I got, and a proposal for a 
future codenames of Debian. I present it to you in item list mode for more 
easy read. I wish that anyone heard me...

1) I asked what's the next name after Sarge (and in general how the names of 
Debian are choosen) in many places: <a 
Usenet groups</a> (<a 
3DN">several times</a>), in <a 
Help(.org)</a> and to my Linux friends, and all these tries were fruitless, 
i.e. I did not get any reasonable answer.

2) So it's seems that no one knows what's the next codename after Sarge, and 
next after next, and, in general, it seems that no one knows how the 
codenames of Debian are elected.

3) I suspect that the election of the next codename is arbitrary and is made 
by the cupola of Debian. [By "cupola of Debian" I want to say "The 
organization/administration of Debian", that is the leader project and all 
his team (tecnic comitee and secretary...). See 

4) Having the consideration of the spirit of Debian and, in general, the open 
spirit of Linux Community, I think that the codenames of Debian should be 
elected in open way. That is, that anyone could see and follow any step of 
the process of election of Debian codenames. Nowadays, the codenames are 
given, but the process of why they elected this or another codename is not 
open (in far as I know).

5) There are severals ways of doing this:
        5.1) The election is made by the cupola
                The cupola elects the codename of the next release of Debian in 
an _open_ 
                For example, it could be done with open and public votation of 
codenames by 
any member of cupola.
                The votes could be secrets, but the results should be open.
        5.2) The election is made by the package developers+the cupola
                The cupola plus all the package developers elect the codename 
of the next 
release of Debian
                 in an open way.
                The public votation is a nice way in this case too.
        5.3) The election is made by the users of Debian.
                All the users of Debian distribution elect the codenames.
        5.4) the election is made by anyone who wants (being or not Debian 

        - In all the cases, the election results and all the election process 
be public in the way the it could be.

6) Personally, I vote for the penultimate option (that the Debian users elect 
the codenames) + that anyone could propose (but not vote) new codenames' 

7) For do that, it's necessary that we have a debian package that:
                - allows "to query the possible codenames"
                  (that is, that anyone could see the codenames that could be 
elected for 
the next release of Debian)
                - allows "to vote the codenames"
                  (that the people that we choose (5.1-5.4) could vote somehow 
the codenames 
for the next release)
                - allows "to propose one/several new codename"
                  (that anyone could propose new codenames)

8) How do this package should be?
        I think that this has two differentiate parts:
                8.1) A program itself.
                8.2) A database.

                - This two parts are independent: the database in which we have 
all the 
possible codenames (and its current "preference" of election), and the 
program that allows to "modify" this database.

                8.1) I think that the best election is make two parts: a 
back-end and the 
gui. The back-end is really what modify and query the database, and 
communicate with the gui. The gui could be text-based or graphic. I think 
that, for functionality of people, if text-based gui is made, I think that it 
should be in ncurses, because it should contains more options.
                The separation of back-end and gui implies more code lines, but 
it's more 
functional: we could make more gui's independently.

                        8.1.1) The system of election of the codenames should 
be the most suitable 
mathematically for assure:
                                a) Each person (of the group elected (5.1-5.4)) 
is equal to others.
                                   It means that no one has more privileges 
than others and the elections 
                                   one person have the same weight as the 
elections of another.
                                b) Each person can choose several codenames.
                                   That is, each person can choose one codename 
as its prefered codename, 
one less
                                   prefered codename, one less less prefered 
codename, .... [It's the same 
that we
                                   have to elect what do in vacations: I prefer 
to go to Madrid. Else, I 
prefer to
                                   go to Lisboa. Else, ....] [Personally, I do 
that in the following way:
                                        1) Anyone could elect a number of 
                                                This number of possible 
codenames for elect depends of how many
                                                codenames are in database. A 
good election is that anyone _could_
                                                (not should) elect max{10% of 
total codenames, 10}.
                                        2) If the desired codename for me is A, 
then I assign a "1" to this 
                                           If the second I prefer is B, then I 
assign a "2" to this codename. And 
                                        3) Internally, the number of puntuation 
"1" plus the number of puntuation
                                           "2"... that one codename has got is 
traducted somehow as a 
                                c) The system of election should be the most 
automatically as it could be. 
This means
                                   that no human intervention is desirable. For 
example, in case of draw 
of two or more
                                   codenames, the system should be capable of 
decide what is elected (even 
                                   The decission and the criterias of the 
system of election not could be 
change: if
                                   the system elects codename A, then no one 
could change this election 
and choose B
                                   as the codename of the next release. And if 
we choose the most popular 
name, then
                                   we could not change this criteria (else if 
there is consensus about 

                                d) The system should favor the variety:
                                        - it's best with more proposed codename 
(much codenames is best than few)
                                        - it should estimulate that it could 
elect codenames for the next release
                                          which are not very elected by the 
users for their local character. Ex.:
                                          the codename "Impulsiu" is local to 
catalan. So it were elected few 
                                          than other english localized names 
(as "Impulsive"). If we _only_ elect 
                                          "most popular" codenames, then there 
are much more election of users 
                                           were ignored. It's not worthy.
                                                - For this reason, I suggest 
                                                        - the system of 
election could be multivotal: anyone can elect
                                                          (with order) more 
than one codename that he/she prefer. I think
                                                           that it's 
recommended to study other alternatives
                                                        - periodically (for 
example after 5 releases), codenames were
                                                          elected randomilly.
                                                        - periodically, the 
codenames could be elected randomilly in
                                                          one category: non-US 
language, region, cientific topic, ...
                                                          For this, when anyone 
propose a new codename, he/she should
                                                          specify the data of 
this codename (is proper name?, to what
                                                          language it belongs, 
to what it's related, ...)

                                e) Perhaps, the system should favor the 
shortest codenames, because 
(perhaps [I don't
                                   know this]) the symbolic links to short 
names are more efficient.

                                f) Perhaps, technically the system could not 
allow some codenames as:
                                        - codenames with spaces
                                        - codenames with control characters
                                        - codenames with more than x characters 
(if it happens, then the number 
                                          codenames is finite, and the sense of 
this program is _more_ 
                                          I hope this not happens)
                                g) Perhaps, tehcnicaly the system needs that 
the codenames have occidental 
                                  translation: if we elect a chinese codename, 
perhaps it's not supported 
for the
                                  mirrors of debian. I beleive that we have to 
treat this point more 
                                  For other hand, I think that good election is 
UTF-8 codification for 

                        8.1.2) The programs should allows:
                                - query the more/less popular codenames
                                - query the database randomilly
                                - show alphabeltically list of proposed 
                                - show historically (the time the codenames 
were proposed criteria) list 
of proposed

                8.2) I think that the database should be accessible through the 
web site of 
debian. So, for example,
                     in codenames.debian.org anyone could see this database.

9) What were the name of this project?. Is it another package for doing 
this? ;-). I thinked in "NDeb" because "name" in the majorty of languages 
begins with "N" and "Deb" with evident reasons. But we could change it!.



- http://www.debian.org/doc/FAQ/ch-ftparchives.en.html#s-codenames:

5.3 What are all those names like slink, potato, etc.?

They are just "codenames". When a Debian distribution is in the development 
stage, it has no version number but a codename. The purpose of these 
codenames is to make easier the mirroring of the Debian distributions (if a 
real directory like unstable suddenly changed its name to stable, a lot of 
stuff would have to be needlessly downloaded again).

Currently, stable is a symbolic link to woody (i.e. Debian GNU/Linux 3.0) and 
testing is a symbolic link to sarge. This means that woody is the current 
stable distribution and sarge is the current testing distribution.

unstable is a permanent symbolic link to sid, as sid is always the unstable 
distribution (see What about "sid"?, Section 5.4).
5.3.1 Which other codenames have been used in the past?

Other codenames that have been already used are: buzz for release 1.1, rex for 
release 1.2, bo for releases 1.3.x, hamm for release 2.0, slink for release 
2.1 and potato for release 2.2.
5.3.2 Where do these codenames come from?

So far they have been characters taken from the movie "Toy Story" by Pixar.

    * buzz (Buzz Lightyear) was the spaceman,

    * rex was the tyrannosaurus,

    * bo (Bo Peep) was the girl who took care of the sheep,

    * hamm was the piggy bank,

    * slink (Slinky Dog) was the toy dog,

    * potato was, of course, Mr. Potato,

    * woody was the cowboy.

    * sarge was the sergeant of the Green Plastic Army Men

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