TL;DR: I think delegating the community team would be great; if that's
their desire let's work toward that.

>>>>> "Martina" == Martina Ferrari <> writes:

    Martina> The main conclusion from that is that yes, some of things
    Martina> expressed in the proposal require a delegation, I agree!
    Martina> Perhaps, the disconnection lies in reading that the team
    Martina> does not want to be delegated: quite the opposite, at least
    Martina> from my part! I had been in talks with the previous DPL
    Martina> about delegation since last year, but the burnout caused by
    Martina> the events around December and January delayed progress and
    Martina> then there was a DPL change, so we had to start from
    Martina> scratch and with considerably less support.

I think we may be talking past each other.

I strongly support the idea of delegating the community team.

I think the process we use is different depending on which direction
we're going to go.

In particular, I think even at this stage how we approach things depends
on whether we're on a delegation path or not.
If we're on a delegation path, the critical question is what are the
project needs in this area.  They drive the question of whether we have
the right team description and whether we have the right people for the

If you're a group of developers, the key factor is what work you want to

Yes, even for a delegation it's important that the delegates want to do
the job, and yes, that influences the task description a lot.
But ultimately, the delegates serve the needs of the project in a way
that  is not true for a non-delegated entity.  That service is the
presponsibility that justifies the power of a delegation.

If you're going down the delegation path, it is good to decide that
early.  That way we know that the project feedback matters in a
different way than if it is a non-delegated entity just soliciting
feedback on how they can be useful.

That way we're considering both the delegates and the task rather than
just what a team wants to do.

So if the intent is to move toward delegation, say that as a team now,
not later.
Once you do that I'll be happy to work with you just as I would any
other group approaching changing/renewing/creating a delegation.


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