I agree with Russ that your framing of this is absolutely abhorrent.
Your continued justification of it is digging a bigger hole. I beg you,
please take a step back and reconsider your approach here before
continuing along these lines.

I actually have concerns about Norbert's blog being removed from Planet
and the level of transparency of the Anti-Harrassment team (although
Martin's recent mail to d-d-a addressed most of my concerns on the
latter front). I think it's perfectly fine to question their actions
and I intended to write a private email to their contact address in the
first instance; raising it on -project is another valid approach. But
drawing comparisons between your fellow project members and literal
murderers is absolutely not acceptable.

I'm actually really annoyed because now I don't feel we can have a reasonable discussion about Norbert's blog at all without the taint of this thread hanging over it.

With friends like these…

On Thu, Dec 20, 2018 at 11:18:51PM +0000, Daniel Pocock wrote:
If people want to clarify the way Planet can be used, they can create a
policy and maybe put it to a vote.  Retrospectively sanctioning people
without strong grounds based on policy is not right though.

I don't think the policy for Planet is the issue here. It's well
defined and has been operating for a very long time now.
People may expect a newsletter or another official publication to be
curated to some degree but I always had the impression that both Planet
and packaging are at the discretion of the individual developers.

I feel embarrassed for your AM. We have always been bound by the terms
of the Social Contract in all that we do for the project. Planet is no

Personally, I welcome the diversity of views there and if it is going to
be curated now, I would volunteer to host an uncensored alternative to
Planet for those with similar feelings.

I encourage you to host a Planet of your own with whatever policy you
like. Really: please go and do that. But not in the name of the project.

and I reply with the strongest possible evidence, personal experience
and scientific research.

This (and what you write that follows) seems like a whip-lash response
if I'm being charitable, and like a deliberate attempt to confound the
discussion if I briefly suspend "assume good faith". You should take
your situation ot the anti harrassment team.


⣾⠁⢠⠒⠀⣿⡁ Jonathan Dowland
⢿⡄⠘⠷⠚⠋⠀ https://jmtd.net
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