On Wed, Jan 16, 2008 at 09:55:29PM +0200, Lars Wirzenius wrote:
> First, as one of the drivers, I'd like to explicitly say that I like and
> approve of the changes dato made to the draft in his dep0.dato branch,
> and the comments he's had on the discussion so far.

Ack. <internal>Moreover for future changes I suggest that they should be
made directly on the main branch, we can revert them in case of
conflicts :-)</internal>

> On ke, 2008-01-16 at 19:50 +0100, Adeodato Simó wrote:
> > > Assuming that the number of DEPs will be significant, I think it would
> > > be a good idea to separate ACCEPTED DEPs into two groups, namely
> > > "historical" which nobody needs to read, because their text is included
> > > in some authorative document (policy, devref, whatever) and "current",
> > > which may be useful to read because they aren't included anywhere (DEP0
> > > will probably stay there, for example).
> > 
> > OK, this front remains open.
> I think it's reasonable to want to deal with this in some way once the
> number of DEPs becomes large. We can introduce a new state for them at
> that point. It's probably a pretty minor issue, though, which is nice.

I'm kind of puzzled on this, since the definition of "no one needs to
read" is ambiguous. Does it imply that only DEPs in DRAFT and CANDIDATE
states are worth to be reading given that they are ongoing? Or it does
mean that only OBSOLETE DEPs are not worth to be reading? That's not
clear to me.

However this point raise an important suggestion to me: for DEPs to
which is applicable the "integration elsewhere" (e.g. policy/devref) we
should point in the ACCEPTED version of the DEPs to where it has been
integrated (e.g. policy chapter/section).

> I'm happy to see that so far there's been no opposition to DEP0. If that
> situation continues for a few days, I think we can take the next step
> and take this to debian-devel-announce.

I think we should wait at least a week from the last relevant change to
the proposal before doing so, not everyone is reading daily -project. I
also plan to SPAM^Wblog on planet to gather future comments.


Stefano Zacchiroli -*- PhD in Computer Science ............... now what?
[EMAIL PROTECTED],cs.unibo.it,debian.org}  -<%>-  http://upsilon.cc/zack/
(15:56:48)  Zack: e la demo dema ?    /\    All one has to do is hit the
(15:57:15)  Bac: no, la demo scema    \/    right keys at the right time

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