Baz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On 12/11/06, Martin Schulze <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Ian Jackson wrote:
>> > Filipus Klutiero writes ("Re: Debian Weekly News - November 28th,
>> 2006"):
>> > >  DWN should be NPOV
>> >
>> > What nonsense.  Debian is a political organisation, and all of us are
>> > engaged in politics as well as technology.  Expecting us to be neutral
>> > is to miss the point completely.
>> I have to admit that I agree to Filipus, DWN should try to be as
>> neutral as it can.  However, this requires an Editor that actively
>> adds items and maintains neutrality, while at the moment (dunc-tank,
>> yada yada, no funding etc.) DWN is solely contributor-based, so the
>> contributors decide what gets included.
>> Filipus, you're welcome to contribute.  Send your items to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Hello -
> I read the following in the current DistroWatch Weekly:
> "Andreas Barth has published a release update regarding the upcoming release
> of Debian <> GNU/Linux 4.0. Although it does
> not provide any information about the probable release date of the much
> awaited Etch, it does hint at what many suspected was one of the reasons for
> the current delay - the go slow strike of some of those Debian developers
> who strongly objected to the Dunc-Tank experiment to fund the work of two
> release managers with generous salaries..."
> Is this correct - that some Debian developers are consciously and
> deliberately slowing the release of "etch?"

I don't believe this.  Sounds like a deliberate attempt to write a "story".
It is true that Dunc-Tank is a controversial issue, but I dont believe
any debian developer would deliberately try to slow the release down.

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