On Wed, 22 Feb 2006, Alberto Gonzalez Iniesta wrote:
> > Those polls are not fully crafted GR so they are not as binding as a GR
> > could be but they should give up a pretty good overview of the current
> > opinion inside the project (if each poll has been well prepared by its
> > proponent).
> So you propose bombing DDs with polls every week. 

One mail per week is not bombing. Every Debian developer handles many more
mails than that. Please do not misrepresent what others propose just for
the sake of it.

> And keeping those not
> bored with them making pseudo decisions (or DD's opinion) for the rest.

The second part of the proposal (social pressure) should not hinder the
interest of "usual polls".

I'm pretty sure the discussion will only be about the second part and how
bad they can be. That's right, the proposal is far from perfect and I'm in
no way convinced that it's a good solution that will work.

It's just an idea that I wanted to share because I believe that we need to do
something to reduce the level of flames on our lists. I'm always open to
better ideas.

> > [] XXX behaviour in thread YY is inacceptable
> As in [1] RH behavior in thread FTWCAU is unacceptable

Yes, if one cares really enough about such a poll, why not ? I do mistakes
and I'm happy to learn from them.

> > [] XXX posts way too much and he repeats his argument over & over
> As in [1] DDs in general, and those wanting to regulate DDs opinions and
> posts to mailing lists REPEAT THEIR ARGUMENT OVER & OVER

At least you acknowledge that we have several persons that could behave
better on our lists ... :-)

> Please, don't take our attention and time to make a
> auto-list-censorship-system.

Please kill the thread if it doesn't interest you. 

(Yes I can do that with flames too, and that's what I usually do but when
I care about the outcome of a discussion with many flames, it's a
difficult thing to do)

> > This is a civilized way to define what *must change* and what is ok. If
> > you believe someone is misconducting on the lists, or is hurting the
> > project by his behavior, just submit a poll and in the light of the
> > results, both sides will know what the project thinks (if enough people
> > take the time to vote of course).
> Bah, you don't like someone else's post, you go and mail him about it.

I already do that.

> As if we don't have enough flamewars, now they will be accompanied with
> polls. And each side will have his poll. Great...

One poll per issue seems enough. Why should we have a poll for "each side"?

Raphaël Hertzog

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